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bi bim
2022.12.03 14:00~20:00
“bi bim”は、art & river bank のおそらく最後になるイヴェントです。bi bimはビビン、비빔で、日本ではよく知られている韓国の混ぜご飯、ビビンバ、비빔밥の、「混ぜる」という意味の部分です。多様性の受容、インクルーシヴな社会の在り方にも通じる、今日的なテーマです。名称通り、いくつかの脈絡のないイヴェントを行います

・ 休刊していたアート情報誌『etc.』の編集会議

・ 飯山由貴さんの《In-Mates》の上映会

・ 0 minutes
  チョン・ギョンウの“0 minutes”(2005)をモディファイしたパフォーマンスを行います

・ ファイルの閲覧返却

・ tavola apertaによるfood

"tavola aperta - bi bim・・・”


参加費:500円 (15食)

・ bar 川の家

チョン・ギョンウ(천경우, Kyungwoo Chun)は韓国のアーティストで、今回のイヴェントは、彼の“Bi Bim Blumen”(2008)にヒントを得たイヴェント名です

"bi bim" may be the last event of art & river bank. "bi bim(bibim, 비빔)" is a part of the well-known Korean dish's name, "bibimbap(비빔밥)", and means 'to mix'. It is a word that is relevant today, as it also implies the acceptance of diversity and how an inclusive society should be. As the name suggests, there will be apparently unrelated events

Editorial meeting for the suspended art magazine 'etc.'
Discussing the ideas of project the publisher, Helio Kotomizu.
Screening of Yuki Iiyama's 《In-Mates》
The screening a film that was cancelled by the Japan Foundation and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Human Rights Department.
0 minutes
A performance of a modified version of Kyungwoo Chun's "0 minutes" (2005).
Viewing and returning of files
The files which art & river bank is being entrusted with will be returned. The files will be available for viewing until they are returned.
Food by tavola aperta
A themed event on the theme of 'mixing' is planned.
bar River House
A drink themed on 'mixing' is planned.

Kyungwoo Chun (천경우, Kyungwoo Chun) is a Korean artist and the name of this event is inspired by his "Bi Bim Blumen" (2008).